Is SEO Dead? Long Live Social Search!

By on June 20th, 2023

Gone are the days when Google reigned supreme, because social media search is on the rise. More and more users are asking TikTok and Instagram to answer their questions. Are social media’s conversational, personalized responses leaving Google’s SERPs in the dust? TikTok alone has ended Google’s 15-year streak as the world’s most popular search engine. I guess Google’s 5.7 million searches per minute just aren’t enough to keep them on…

The Best SEO Strategies That Actually Work Today

By on June 7th, 2023

For all the time, energy, and expense you pour into your business, you don’t just want any search engine optimization practices. You need the best SEO strategies that deliver results. Though SEO is now old enough to drink beer and have kids in school, building an effective strategy isn’t any easier than in the past. In fact, it’s gotten more complicated in some respects. Dig into our list here about…

Google’s Featured Snippets: What Are They, How Do You Get Them & What Do They Mean for Your Brand?

By on March 8th, 2023
ipad showing google search featured snippets

Search engines are the main channel for discovering information and services in the modern day. HubSpot estimates that Google processes approximately 63,000 search queries every second, translating to 5.6 billion daily searches and around 2 trillion global searches annually. 1 The average person conducts between three and four searches daily, and those numbers are expected to increase as time goes on. If you're reading this, there's a good chance you're…

Google Ranking Factors You Need to Know for 2023

By on December 7th, 2022
young woman on her computer to show importance of google ranking factors

2023? Say what? You read it right! It’s hard to believe we’re already ready to wind down another year. As we say goodbye to 2022 and prepare for the final few weeks of 2022, it’s not too early to think about what new strategies you want to add to your content marketing plan for next year. One of the most important factors to consider? Google ranking factors. Just as trends…

Boost Your SEO for Google with These 8 Awesome Tools

By on July 25th, 2022

SEO for Google is the foundation of content marketing. It’s what drives rankings, web traffic, and ultimately converted customers. But it can also feel complicated! There are lots of moving parts to manage in an SEO strategy. Plus, Google updates its algorithm yearly, meaning your SEO strategy needs to continually evolve along with it. Fortunately, there are some really valuable (and affordable, or even free!) tools you can use to…

10 Tips On Using Google Apps To Boost Content Marketing

By on February 25th, 2021

Late in 2020, Google rebranded its collection of business productivity apps as Google Workspace. Formerly known as G Suite, these apps can transform your content marketing results when you use them to their full potential. Google Workspace retains all your favorite features, like Gmail, Chat, Meet, Calendar, Sheets, Docs, Slides, Drive, and more. As businesses’ needs change, Google plans to “evolve [its] products” to meet its customers’ evolving needs. Quick Takeaways:…

9 Ultimate All-Inclusive SEO Tools for Business Owners and Agencies

By on June 21st, 2020

Many business owners and agencies understand that SEO is very important for the success of their online business. Websites with high rankings get more traffic and leads. It's just that simple. Many business owners ask what the best SEO tools are. To tell the truth, there is no a cookie-cutter answer to this question. You know that every business is absolutely different and has various needs and requirements. Good news…

How to Structure FAQs for SEO

By on March 18th, 2019

You're scrolling through a website and see a pair of shoes that you'd like to purchase. But you've read from reviews that they tend to run small. You'd like to buy them in a smaller size, but what if they're too small? You search for a return policy on the page but see none. So you scroll back to the navigation bar because you're sure you saw a tab that…

A Guide to SEO for Voice Search

By on December 17th, 2018

The way people use the Internet to find information online is changing. We’re no longer sitting at our desks typing at a keyboard. Instead, we’re on the move and using our phone to keep us informed while we’re on the go. We use our phones to search while we’re waiting in line at the post office, while we’re commuting to work on public transport, and hands-free in the car to…

How to Use Psychology For a Positive ROI in SEO Efforts

By on October 25th, 2018

Do you ever find yourself overthinking something? Or, how about this… You come up with this idea and realize it is a great idea! Then, you either talk yourself out of it (yes, because of overthinking) or a friend tells you that it will never work. Then, the next day, you get an email with someone launching your very same idea! And, you hear through the grapevine that they made…